Quatre Mains package design - Package design Series of herbs, Euroma, Retail, subgamma, Herbes, Spices
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RETAIL SUBGAMMA by Euroma - Bronze Pentaward

A specialist range of spice-based products.

Spices are a true speciality, they have the ability to bring imagination to every meal. As a new player in this category working without the support of a compelling recognisable  brand, Euroma’s range of special spice-based products had to stand out from its competitors by daring to be different.

Quatre Mains package design - Agar Agar, Euroma, branding, packaging
Quatre Mains package design - Close up, Piment D'espelette, herbes de feux, Euroma

To instigate the consumers imagination, an intriguing and rebellious approach is adopted, utilising powerful iconic illustrations bringing each unique character to life. Vibrant colours make the packaging jump off the shelves, the rough background and bold typo expressing the power and character of the product. A exciting mix for an explosive design.

Quatre Mains package design - Piment d'espelette, Euroma, Packaging design

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