Quatre Mains package design - Package design Line up, Delhaize, Branding, Packaging, Beer bottle
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HOP BEERS by Delhaize - Silver Pentaward

Range of hop beers (Delhaize)

This range of three limited edition hop beers are brewn in three different countries: Belgium, USA and New Zealand. They have been made according to the exact same recipe with only one difference: the origin of the hop, which was taken from the region the beers were brewn in.

Quatre Mains package design - Clos up, Beer, Yeast, Hop

These three hopbeers have been produced in a traditional way and this can be clearly felt in the design, which breathes craftmanship and tradition. The sturdy look of the product is created through a combination of elements: the roughly looking label, completed by the shape of the bottle and finished off with the nonchalance of the little cord and the neckhanger. The origin of the hop is communicated with title and graphic elements (the flag of the originating country).

The design as a whole reclects tradition of the product combined with the origin and craftmanship from the brewers.

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