Quatre Mains package design - Package design Cheeky animals, fun, jungle
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CHEEKY ANIMALS by Rass Fine Foods

A fun range of healthy confectionary snacks.

Cheeky Animals is a new player in the health food category. The brand was created to meet the needs of children with one or more specific food allergies. Not with a problem-solving attitude, but to bring back those little enjoyable things in life.

Quatre Mains package design - Cheeky animals, Gluten free, Berry mix

We created a playful brand logo and a funky animal family, all springing to life within an amazing and safe ‘free from’ wilderness. The vibrant colours make the packaging jump from the shelves, the adorable illustrations add a cheeky but charming characters to the brand story. Real product photography punctuates the pack, creating an exciting and playful interaction with the animals. All are welcome to step into this cheeky jungle of care free tastes! There’s only one rule; Have Fun!

Quatre Mains package design - Packaging design, Line up, Cheeky animals
Quatre Mains package design - Line up, Back of pack, Branding


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