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Blan Redesign for PERITUS BRANDS

Putting the bling back in Blan!

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Often as a design agency we have to adapt to new categories and different market dynamics in order to feel the frequency necessary to achieve great results wherever the business leads us. Our redesign challenge for Blan ‘Whitening Powder’ was no different. Now operating within the context of laundry additives for the European market, we had to acquaint ourselves with a very specific set of consumer needs, within a category dominated by a visual communication style that focuses on cleaning power and performance. And with this in mind we set to injecting a brand boost into the world of Blan to help support its relevance and presence within a very niche and somewhat unknown part of the category.

Knowing full well of the nostalgic love relationship many people still have with Blan, being a staple product sitting on most shelves somewhere in Belgium, our approach was to bring back the bling without losing a noticeable familiarity. So, whilst respecting the condensed old-school branding typography, we refined and emboldened the logo, creating stronger visibility on pack and coupled this with their famous Pure White product promise. Stripping away all other graphical clutter we introduced an intense deep blue background punctuated with unmissable bling star as a powerful symbol of pristine performance. Stretching across multiple products, from liquid to gel to 3in1 sachets, the simple adaptation of recognizable brand assets helps bind the family under one knockout visual identity.

Packaging with a punch.

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